We know at the highest level of sport; elite levels, millimeters, minor adjustments and the difference of 1-degree breaks or creates champions. It’s the small things you change to get the superior unchallenged results. It is this level of sport which demands precision, and which request the best tools to be used to increase an athlete’s performance. StretchingSA offers precision. Within 1 degree of accuracy. You can be certain you are offering your athletes the best care possible. Improving their injury management. Improving their game. Range assessment is used to pre-determine injury, to screen for potential musculoskeletal issues that will cause harm to the athlete. Our therapists at StretchingSA are trained to screen with speed. Weare here for you to identify and manage injuries before they occur. Trust us to help look after your athletes.
We know how it feels, there is just not enough time to learn another method or to get to use another tool, that’s why we are here for you. With StretchingSA having more than 15 years’ experience in this field, we are here to solve all your ROM assessment needs.
Our device’s intra and inter-rater reliability are 0.99 !! intra-rater reliability means that if the same person takes the same measurement multiple times the measurement will be repeatable within 1degree!
The accuracy of our technology is a stark contrast to the goniometer, the goniometer can produce intra and inter-rater variances of up to 35 degrees, an error of 35 degrees in measurement can easily lead to a misdiagnosis. When using a goniometer, you as the professional always had to eyeball or guestimate the alignment of the goniometer’s arms with anatomical landmarks – because the goniometer’s arms are limited in length. With our all-new laser measurement, all anatomical landmarks can be easily measured, and no more eyeballing will be needed.
In Short, using StretchingSA for your ROM needs saves time, produces repeatable results within 1 degree of accuracy, get access to easy to read and very detailed reports, reduce human error and is so advanced you can even follow each athletes progress and number of check-in occurrences, this will validate your outcome even more and help them in staying focused, doing the necessary exercises daily.