Hans de Wit changed my life. I am a provincial sports lady of 55 years. No easy task for anybody to help keep you at the top of your game!

With a genetic dislocated right hip Hans’s stretch therapy lengthened my sporting career. With consistent stretching therapy walking and running became possible again at the highest level. For the last three consecutive years I was part of top provincial squash results. The stretch therapy increased my working performance as well.

I am a theater nurse and it requires of me to stand for long periods at a time. It would not have been possible without Hans de Wits’s stretching therapy. I do recommend Hans de Witt in particular as an outstanding stretch therapist. He is extremely knowledgeable in his field of expertise. His way of handling me as a patient and applying the therapy is highly professional and effective. Hans de Wit is ever supporting, encouraging and willing to help. Hans de Wit’s stretching therapy is vital to me in contributing a positive input in society.

Charmain Steyn

Provincial Sports Lady